I use Vim as my editor. \"Practical common Lisp\" suggest installing Lispbox, I don\'t know how to use emacs, don\'t know how to run lisp code with that T.T after that i find li
Install and learn the following things:
install a binary from http://www.sbcl.org/platform-table.html Once your used to it, compile from source and keep the source around. This way you can easily jump to the definitions of functions of SBCL with M-. in Emacs.
watch this screencast to see someone implementing a raytracer Raytracer in Common Lisp
This is the new package management. When I started it wasn't there. Now we have it and you should use it. It makes things a lot easier. Run 'sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp' and then enter (quicklisp-quickstart:install) press enter and then run (ql:add-to-init-file)
SLIME runs within Emacs.
Try installing it with quicklisp. Read its manual and figure out what to write into your .emacs file so that it automatically starts when you open a lisp file. Optionally watch a screencast.
Seriously, you have to learn that (even if the guy in the raytracing screencast didn't use it). You should start with ( , this will make two parenthesis. With M-( you can enclose an existing s-expression. C-k cuts the s-expression behind the cursor and with C-y you can insert it anywhere.
This is the make for lisp. You should learn how to define a system in an ASDF file.
I printed this booklet, Common Lisp Quick Reference. It's very concise.