I was interested in whether it would be faster to sort my classes using LINQ, or by implementing the IComparable interface and List.Sort. I was quite surprised when the LINQ cod
For me, I will use Linq with IComparable(when this is the most or only way to sort). In this case, item is a TestSort: IComparable
var sorted = ll.OrderBy(item => item); // This automatically used age to compare, as it's defined in CompareTo
can be any IEnumerable: List, Array, etc.
Also in CompareTo
you can have multiple way to compare... for instance, you can do something like this:
public int CompareTo(TestSort other) {
return this.age != other.age ? this.age.CompareTo(other.age) : this.dateOfBirth.CompareTo(other.dateOfBirth);