Searched for this, and couldn\'t seem to find anyone who\'d already asked, so here goes.
I\'m starting to switch over to IPython as my go-to shell on Windows 7, and I\'d
It is a little bit dodgy, but you could resort to calling pre-made powershell scripts using
os.system('powershell C:\file.ps1')
or individual commands like so:
os.system("powershell; gci | where {$_.Fullname -contains 'some stuff'}")
I just tested this, and it seems to only have to open a single powershell instance:
os.system("powershell; gci; gc C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services; []::gethostbyaddress('') | more")
but I guess it could get ugly and slow if you had to call this type of thing many times in a script.