I\'m running exactly the same script.ps1 file in a Powershell ISE (manually loading the script and pressing F5) and in a Powershell console (executing the script file).
I don't know why they output differently, but the message that we see from git push
is coming over stderr. This means that they are both showing errors, although the ISE is making them much louder, and converting it into error objects.
Consider this output from the PowerShell prompt:
PS> git push
Everything up-to-date
PS> git push 2> $null # Redirect stderr to $null
PS> $LastExitCode
and compare it to the ISE:
PS> git push
git : Everything up-to-date
At line:1 char:1
+ git push
+ ~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Everything up-to-date:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
PS> git push 2> $null
PS> $LastExitCode
Except for the extra output from the error object being displayed, the output is the same. The ISE has converted the stderr string to a NativeCommandError object, and it does even display the error message if you look past the red.