I\'m debating three different approaches to to storing sitewide settings for a web application.
A key/value pair lookup table, each key represents a setting.
I am including using a separate PHP script with just the settings:
$datatables_path = "../lib/dataTables-1.9.4/media";
$gmaps_utils_dir = "../lib/gmaps-utils";
$plupload_dir = "../lib/plupload-1.5.2/js";
$drag_drop_folder_tree_path = "../lib/dhtmlgoodies/drag-drop-folder-tree2";
$lib_dir = "../lib";
$dbs_dir = "../.no_backup/db";
$amapy_api_registration_id = "47e5efdb-d13b-4487-87fc-da7920eb6618";
$google_maps_api_key = "ABQIABBDp7qCIMXsNBbZABySLejWiBSmGz7YWLno";
So it's your third variant.
I don't actually see what you find hard on changing these values; in fact, this is the easiest way to administrate these settings. This is not the kind of data you want your users (with different roles) to change via web interface. Products like PHPMyAdmin and Joomla happily use this approach.