I am writing a simple Java wrapper around ElasticSearch\'s admin client. To test it I have a main method that first checks if an index exists (IndicesExistsRequest), if so delet
I had the same issue but i didn't like the solution which uses an ActionListener. ElasticSearch also offers a Future variant (at least at version 6.1.0).
Here a code-snippet:
public boolean doesIndexExists(String indexName, TransportClient client) {
IndicesExistsRequest request = new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName);
ActionFuture future = client.admin().indices().exists(request);
try {
IndicesExistsResponse response = future.get();
boolean result = response.isExists();
logger.info("Existence of index '" + indexName + "' result is " + result);
return result;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
logger.error("Exception at waiting for IndicesExistsResponse", e);
return false;//do some clever exception handling
May be this helps someone else too. Cheers!