I need a method to validate the Melli Code (National Code or Code Melli) of iranian people.
I Know it has a formula.
Good job Alireza, Here is my code which is very similar to yours.
private boolean isValidNationalCode(String nationalCode) {
if (nationalCode.length() != 10) {
return false;
} else {
//Check for equal numbers
String[] allDigitEqual = {"0000000000", "1111111111", "2222222222", "3333333333",
"4444444444", "5555555555", "6666666666", "7777777777", "8888888888", "9999999999"};
if (Arrays.asList(allDigitEqual).contains(nationalCode)) {
return false;
} else {
int sum = 0;
int lenght = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < lenght - 1; i++) {
sum += Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nationalCode.charAt(i))) * (lenght - i);
int r = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(nationalCode.charAt(9)));
int c = sum % 11;
return (((c < 2) && (r == c)) || ((c >= 2) && ((11 - c) == r)));