is there any way to make all derived classes count their instances?How (write code in one of C++, C#, Java)?
Imagine I\'ve got access to the root class (e.g. object), an
In C++, you can do it with a template base class. Basically it is a mixin, so it does still require each class to co-operate by inheriting from the mixin:
// warning: not thread-safe
class instance_counter {
static size_t InstancesCount() { return count(); }
instance_counter() { count() += 1; }
instance_counter(const instance_counter&) { count() += 1; }
// rare case where we don't need to implement the copy assignment operator.
~instance_counter() { count() -= 1; }
static size_t &count {
static size_t counter = 0;
return counter;
class my_class: public instance_counter {};
Since each class using the template has a different base class, it has a different count
function and hence a different copy of the static variable counter
The trick of inheriting from a template class that's instantiated using the derived class as a template parameter is called CRTP.