I am doing a simple file open panel in my Cocoa app. I enable entitlements and app sandboxing.
But on OS X 10.9, when the app should open a dialog using NSOpenPanel
My OS X app "Make a Face," also has problems when attempting to call a simple file open panel. The app does not crash, but the "select file to open" window starts shimmering, the pixel light in the dialogue box starts throbbing, and mouse clicks have a delayed impact from anywhere between 20 to 40 seconds. Very surreal. This only happens in Mavericks 10.9.
Sandbox entitlement "com.apple.security.files.user-selected.read-write" is enabled, as it has been for all previous uploads of the app. However, under Mavericks, the "throbbing light file open panel syndrome" makes opening a user selected JPEG or PNG file from within the app a very bumpy ride.