I am using mclapply from within RStudio and would like to have an output to the console from each process but this seems to be suppressed somehow (as mentioned for example here:
Just expanding a little on the solution used by the asker, i.e. writing to a file to check progress:
write.file = '/temp_output/R_progress'
time1 = proc.time()[3]
outstuff = unlist(mclapply(1:1000000, function(i){
if (i %% 1000 == 0 ){
writeLines(paste0(i,'/',nrow(loc),' ',(i/nrow(loc)*100)), fileConn)
#do your stuff here
}, mc.cores=6))
print(proc.time()[3] - time1)
And then you can monitor from a console with
tail -c +0 -f '/temp_output/R_progress'