I am using npm v5.3.0. Now I want to update npm to v5.4.1.To do this I type the following in my terminal:
npm install -g npm
without any errors.Howe
I was facing the same error today. I updated node. Since npm comes bundled with node, npm was also updated but updated npm version was not reflecting. I, also, tried to update npm version by using commands npm install -g npm@latest. But, the version was not reflecting.
This is how I resolved it.
A lot of post suggested to use the command npm cache clean --f. But, it did not work for me. Hence, I deleted the "npm" and "npm-cache" folders from the location C:\Users\SearchYourUserName\AppData\Roaming
Uninstalled again the existing node.
Re-Installed node version v10.x.x. I downloaded the node-v10.22.1-x64.msi file from https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/ and installed it.
Then checked the npm version. It had worked.