Linq distinct record containing keywords

前端 未结 12 2129
醉话见心 2021-02-19 05:09

I need to return a distinct list of records based on a car keywords search like: \"Alfa 147\"

The problem is that, as I have 3 \"Alfa\" cars, it returns 1 + 3 records (i

  •  梦毁少年i
    2021-02-19 05:48

    hi if i understand your problem correctly

    "The problem is that, as I have 3 "Alfa" cars, it returns 1 + 3 records (it seems 1 for the Alfa and 147 result, and 3 for the Alfa result)"

    and Linq isn't really required i maybe have what you need just test it as new project

        public Linqfilter()
            //as Note: I modified a few classes from you because i doesn'T have your Member, Operation, Make,... classes
            #region declaration
            var originalAdCarList = new List() 
                new AdCar(){Id=1017, Title= "Alfa Romeo 145 1.6TDI 2013", Category= new Category(){Id =12}} ,
                new AdCar(){Id=1018, Title= "Alfa Romeo 146 1.6TDI 2013", Category= new Category(){Id =11}} ,
                new AdCar(){Id=1019, Title= "Alfa Romeo 147 1.6TDI 2013", Category= new Category(){Id =12}} 
            var originalKeywordAdCategoryList = new List() 
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1356, Ad_Id=1017,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1356, Ad_Id=1018,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1356, Ad_Id=1019,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1357, Ad_Id=1017,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1357, Ad_Id=1018,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1357, Ad_Id=1019,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1358, Ad_Id=1017,Category_Id=1},
                new KeywordAdCategory() { Keyword_Id=1373, Ad_Id=1019,Category_Id=1}            
            var originalCategoryList = new List()
                new Category(){Id=1,    Name="NULL    1   Carros"},
                new Category(){Id=2,    Name="NULL    1   Motos"},
                new Category(){Id=3,    Name="NULL    2   Oficinas"},
                new Category(){Id=4 ,   Name="NULL    2   Stands"},
                new Category(){Id=5 ,   Name="NULL    1   Comerciais"},
                new Category(){Id=8,    Name="NULL    1   Barcos"},
                new Category(){Id=9 ,   Name="NULL    1   Máquinas"},
                new Category(){Id=10 ,  Name="NULL    1   Caravanas e Autocaravanas"},
                new Category(){Id=11 ,  Name="NULL    1   Peças e Acessórios"},
                new Category(){Id=12 ,  Name="1   1   Citadino"},
                new Category(){Id=13 ,  Name="1   1   Utilitário"},
                new Category(){Id=14 ,  Name="1   1   Monovolume"}
            var originalKeywordList = new List() 
                 new Keyword(){Id=1356 ,Name="ALFA"},
                 new Keyword(){Id=1357 ,Name="ROMEO"},
                 new Keyword(){Id=1358 ,Name="145"},
                 new Keyword(){Id=1373 ,Name="147"}
            #endregion declaration
            string searchText = "ALFA";
            // split the string searchText in an Array of substrings
            var splitSearch = searchText.Split(' '); 
            var searchKeyList =new List();
            // generate a list of Keyword based on splitSearch
            foreach (string part in splitSearch)
                if(originalKeywordList.Any(key => key.Name == part))
                    searchKeyList.Add(originalKeywordList.First(key => key.Name == part));
            // generate a list of KeywordAdCategory  based on searchKList
            var searchKACList = new List();
            foreach(Keyword key in searchKeyList)
                foreach (KeywordAdCategory kAC in originalKeywordAdCategoryList.Where(kac => kac.Keyword_Id == key.Id))
            var groupedsearchKAClist = from kac in searchKACList group kac by kac.Keyword_Id;
            var listFiltered = new List(originalAdCarList);
            //here starts the real search part
            foreach (IGrouping kacGroup in groupedsearchKAClist)
                var listSingleFiltered = new List();
                //  generate a list of AdCar that matched the current KeywordAdCategory filter
                foreach (KeywordAdCategory kac in kacGroup)
                    foreach (AdCar aCar in originalAdCarList.Where(car => car.Id == kac.Ad_Id))
                var tempList = new List(listFiltered);
                // iterrates over a temporary copie of listFiltered and removes items which don't match to the current listSingleFiltered
                foreach (AdCar aC in tempList)
                    if (!listSingleFiltered.Any(car => car.Id == aC.Id))
            var AdCarCount = listFiltered.Count; // is the count of the AdCar who match
            var CatDic =new  Dictionary(); // will contain the Counts foreach Categorie > 0
            foreach(AdCar aCar in listFiltered)
                if(originalCategoryList.Any(cat => cat.Id ==aCar.Category.Id))
                    var selectedCat = originalCategoryList.First(cat => cat.Id == aCar.Category.Id);
                    if (!CatDic.ContainsKey(selectedCat))
                        CatDic.Add(selectedCat, 1);//new Category Countvalue
                        CatDic[selectedCat]++; //Category Countvalue +1
    public class Keyword
        // Primary properties
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
    public class Category
        // Primary properties
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
    public class KeywordAdCategory
        //[Column("Keyword_Id", Order = 0)]
        public int Keyword_Id { get; set; }
        //[Column("Ad_Id", Order = 1)]
        public int Ad_Id { get; set; }
        //[Column("Category_Id", Order = 2)]
        public int Category_Id { get; set; }
    public class Ad
        // Primary properties
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string TitleStandard { get; set; }
        public string Version { get; set; }
        public int Year { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }
        // Navigation properties
        public string Member { get; set; }
        public Category Category { get; set; }
        public IList Features { get; set; }
        public IList Pictures { get; set; }
        public IList Operations { get; set; }
    public class AdCar : Ad
        public int Kms { get; set; }
        public string Make { get; set; }
        public int Model { get; set; }
        public int Fuel { get; set; }
        public int Color { get; set; }

    hopefully it will help you or someone else


    extended my Methode Linqfilter() to answer the request


    i think that should be exactly what you are looking for

            var selectedKWLinq = from kw in originalKeywordList
                                 where splitSearch.Contains(kw.Name) 
                                 select kw;
            var selectedKACLinq = from kac in originalKeywordAdCategoryList
                                  where selectedKWLinq.Any(item => item.Id == kac.Keyword_Id) 
                                  group kac by kac.Keyword_Id into selectedKAC
                                  select selectedKAC;
            var selectedAdCar = from adC in originalAdCarList
                               where (from skAC in selectedKACLinq
                                          where skAC.Any(kac => kac.Ad_Id == adC.Id)
                                      select skAC).Count() == selectedKACLinq.Count()
                               select adC;
            var selectedCategorys = from cat in originalCategoryList
                                    join item in selectedAdCar
                                    on cat.Id equals item.Category.Id
                                    group cat by cat.Id into g
                                    select g;
            //result part
            var AdCarCount = selectedAdCar.Count(); 
            List> list = selectedCategorys.ToList(); 
            var firstCategoryCount = list[0].Count();
            var secoundCategoryCount = list[1].Count();
