I\'m looking for ways to make remote calls to services out of my control until a connect is successful. I also don\'t want to simply set a timer where an action gets executed ev
I've created a library called CircuitBreaker.Net
that encapsulates all serving logic to safely perform calls. It's easy to use, an example could look like:
// Initialize the circuit breaker
var circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker(
maxFailures: 3,
invocationTimeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
circuitResetTimeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000));
// perform a potentially fragile call through the circuit breaker
// or its async version
// await circuitBreaker.ExecuteAsync(externalService.CallAsync);
catch (CircuitBreakerOpenException)
// the service is unavailable, failover here
catch (CircuitBreakerTimeoutException)
// handle timeouts
catch (Exception)
// handle other unexpected exceptions
It's available via a nuget package. You can find the sources on github.