I have a global singleton \"Settings\" which holds application settings. When I try to run the following code I get a QML CheckBox: Binding loop detected for property \"ch
// Within the model
Q_PROPERTY(bool someSetting READ getSomeSetting WRITE setSomeSetting NOTIFY someSettingChanged)
void SettingsModel::setSomeSetting(bool checkValue) {
if (m_checkValue != checkValue) {
m_checkValue = checkValue;
emit someSettingChanged();
// QML
CheckBox {
checked: Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: Settings.someSetting = checked
The trick is you protect the emit
with an if check in the model. This means you still get a binding loop but only a single one, not an infinite one. It stops when that if check returns false thereby not emitting to continue the loop. This solution is very clean, you do not get the warning, and yet you still get all the benefits of the binding.
CheckBox {
Component.onCompleted: checked = Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: Settings.someSetting = checked;
In this solution you lose your binding. It can only have a default setting on creation and be changed by the user. If you expand your program such that other things change the values in your model, this particular view will not have a way to reflect those changes.
Settings {
id: mySettings
onSomeSettingChanged: checkBox.checked = someSetting
CheckBox {
id: checkBox
onCheckedChanged: mySettings.someSetting = checked
This solution was mentioned to address these problems but never written out. It is functionally complete. Model changes are reflected, the user can change the data, and there are no binding loops because there are no bindings; only two discrete assignments. (x: y
is a binding, x = y
is an assignment)
There are a couple problems with this. The first is that I think its ugly and inelegant, but that is arguably subjective. It seems fine here but if you have a model representing 10 things in this view, this turns into signal spaghetti. The bigger problem is that it does not work well with delegates because they only exist on demand.
MyModel {
id: myModel
// How are you going to set the check box of a specific delegate when
// the model is changed from here?
ListView {
id: listView
model: myModel.namesAndChecks
delegate: CheckDelegate {
id: checkDelegate
text: modelData.name
onCheckStateChanged: modelData.checkStatus = checked
You can actually do it. I've made up custom QML signals and connections to do it, but the code complexity makes me want to hurl, and even worse you could possibly be forcing creation of a delegate when it is not necessary.