Maven has a capability to perform parallel builds:
mvn -T 4 clean install # Builds w
This solution is a bit of a hack but worked for me. It involves specifying a new environment variable, assigning the value -T3 to it and adding this variable to the Maven launch script.
For Windows (Linux in parens):
-T 3
as I want Maven to use 3 threads to build in parallel.Edit the mvn.cmd file (In Linux: the mvn file). Find the part where the Java command is actually executed, the line starting with %MAVEN_JAVA_EXE% (In Linux: generally after the line defining the main class: org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher)
Add %MAVEN_CMD_LINE_OPTS% to the end of the line (In Linux: $MAVEN_CMD_LINE_OPTS)
When you run mvn compile on a Maven project you will now see the following line:
Using the MultiThreadedBuilder implementation with a thread count of 3
This has the advantage of the user being able to 'override' this value. So if the user executes mvn -T4 compile, then 4 threads are used instead of the default 3.