I want to pass an environment variable to a flutter drive
Being able to read the value in the launched application or the test code would both be fi
I encountered the same need to pass an environment variable for test application on a device in a Flutter driver test. The challenge was that test applications cannot read environment variables directly from flutter drive
Here is how I solved the problem. The test name for is "field_value_behaviors.dart". Environment variable name is FIRESTORE_IMPLEMENTATION
Specify environment variable when running flutter drive
$ FIRESTORE_IMPLEMENTATION=cloud_firestore flutter drive --target=test_driver/field_value_behaviors.dart
Driver program ("field_value_behaviors_test.dart") runs as part of flutter drive
program. It can read environment variables:
String firestoreImplementation =
Further, the driver program sends the value to test application running on a device through driver.requestData
final FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect();
// Sends the choice to test application running on a device
await driver.requestData(firestoreImplementation);
await driver.requestData('waiting_test_completion',
timeout: const Duration(minutes: 1));
Test application ("field_value_behaviors.dart") has group()
and test()
function calls and runs on a device (simulator). Therefore it cannot read the environment variable directly from flutter drive
command. Luckily, the test application can receive String messages from the driver program through enableFlutterDriverExtension()
void main() async {
final Completer firestoreImplementationQuery = Completer();
final Completer completer = Completer();
enableFlutterDriverExtension(handler: (message) {
if (validImplementationNames.contains(message)) {
// When value is 'cloud_firestore' or 'cloud_firestore_mocks'
return Future.value(null);
} else if (message == 'waiting_test_completion') {
// Have Driver program wait for this future completion at tearDownAll.
return completer.future;
} else {
fail('Unexpected message from Driver: $message');
tearDownAll(() {
The test application changes the behavior based on the resolved value of firestoreImplementationQuery.future
firestoreFutures = {
// cloud_firestore_mocks
'cloud_firestore_mocks': firestoreImplementationQuery.future.then((value) =>
value == cloudFirestoreMocksImplementationName
? MockFirestoreInstance()
: null),
Conclusion: read environment variable by Platform.environment
in your driver program. Pass it to your test application by driver.requestData
The implementation is in this PR: https://github.com/atn832/cloud_firestore_mocks/pull/54