I want to use LiveData with Kotlin and have values that should not be null. How do you deal with this? Perhaps a wrapper around LiveData? Searching for good patterns here .. As
I really liked The Lucky Coder's answer. Regarding the danger on trying to set a null value, I think we should throw an exception for this (similar to what David Whitman was pointing):
class NonNullLiveData(private val defaultValue: T) : MutableLiveData() {
override fun getValue(): T = super.getValue() ?: defaultValue
override fun setValue(value: T) {
if(value != null) {
else throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set a null value to this Type. Use normal MutableLiveData instead for that.")
override fun postValue(value: T) {
if(value != null) {
else throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot post a null value to this Type. Use normal MutableLiveData instead for that.")
fun observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, body: (T) -> Unit) {
observe(owner, Observer {
body(it ?: defaultValue)
Now the value in the MutableLiveData will never be null, so that the class would not be used in a way it's not intended.