I see the following error in Terminal when attempting to run a Ruby on Rails app.
HTTP parse error, malformed request (): #
For those reading this in the future, consider the following:
If you are ok with turning off SSL in your development environment you can do so by going to:
and configuring:
config.force_ssl = false
Here is some code that works for me, using puma, that invokes SSL certification (locally). I have created my certificates and have dumped it in the relevant location:
rails s -b 'ssl://localhost:3000?key=./.ssl/localhost.key&cert=./.ssl/localhost.crt'
When I want to run it in a production environment from my PC I using the following:
rails s -b 'ssl://localhost:3000?key=./.ssl/localhost.key&cert=./.ssl/localhost.crt' -e production