Is there a function to swap the key and value of a given map. So given a map, I want the keys to become values, and values the keys.
(swap {:a 2 b 4}) => {2 :
For anyone reading this at a later date I think the following should be helpful.
Inverting a map may return a relation. If the map is injective (one-to-one) then the inverse will also be one-to-one. If the map (as if often the case) is many-to-one then you should use a set or vector.
the values of the map are unique
(defn invert-one-to-one
"returns a one-to-one mapping"
(persistent! (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc! m v k)) (transient {}) m)))
(def one-to-one {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
> (invert-one-to-one one-to-one)
{1 :a 2 :b 3 :c}
The values of the map are not unique. This is very common - and it is safest to assume that your maps are of this form... so (def invert invert-many-to-one)
(defn invert-many-to-one
"returns a one-to-many mapping"
([m] (invert-many-to-one #{} m))
([to m]
(reduce (fn [m [k v]]
(assoc! m v (conj (get m v to) k)))
(transient {}) m))))
(def many-to-one {:a 1 :b 1 :c 2})
> (invert-many-to-one many-to-one)
{1 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:c}} ; as expected
> (invert-many-to-one [] many-to-one)
{1 [:b :a], 2 [:c]} ; we can also use vectors
> (invert-one-to-one many-to-one) ; what happens when we use the 'wrong' function?
{1 :b, 2 :c} ; we have lost information
values are sets/collections but their intersections are always empty. (No element occurs in two different sets)
(defn invert-one-to-many
"returns a many-to-one mapping"
(reduce (fn [m [k vs]] (reduce (fn [m v] (assoc! m v k)) m vs))
(transient {}) m)))
(def one-to-many (invert-many-to-one many-to-one))
> one-to-many
{1 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:c}}
> (invert-one-to-many one-to-many)
{:b 1, :a 1, :c 2} ; notice that we don't need to return sets as vals
values are sets/collections and there exists at least two values whose intersection is not empty. If your values are collections then it is best to assume that they fall into this category.
(defn invert-many-to-many
"returns a many-to-many mapping"
([m] (invert-many-to-many #{} m))
([to m]
(reduce (fn [m [k vs]]
(reduce (fn [m v] (assoc! m v (conj (get m v to) k))) m vs))
(transient {}) m))))
(def many-to-many {:a #{1 2} :b #{1 3} :c #{3 4}})
> (invert-many-to-many many-to-many)
{1 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:a}, 3 #{:c :b}, 4 #{:c}}
;; notice that there are no duplicates when we use a vector
;; this is because each key appears only once
> (invert-many-to-many [] many-to-many)
{1 [:a :b], 2 [:a], 3 [:b :c], 4 [:c]}
> (invert-many-to-one many-to-many)
{#{1 2} #{:a}, #{1 3} #{:b}, #{4 3} #{:c}}
> (invert-one-to-many many-to-many)
{1 :b, 2 :a, 3 :c, 4 :c}
> (invert-one-to-one many-to-many)
{#{1 2} :a, #{1 3} :b, #{4 3} :c} ; this would be missing information if we had another key :d mapping to say #{1 2}
You could also use invert-many-to-many
on the one-to-many