I am working on a project using Spring 3, and Spring Security. My problem is with IoC container. Problem started when I wrote my own implementation of UserDetailsService>
yes, it seems to be impossible to autowire objects into beans that inherit from spring security classes. i don't know if this is a bug in spring security, or if it's done for security or what. if anyone has an explanation I would be interested in hearing it. You can solve your problem though by manually injecting the beans via xml configuration (as opposed to using the @Autowired annotation) and then they will be present. One word of caution though..
I did this, and i noticed that my userDao which had annotations on it (specifically @Transactional) was no longer operating in a transaction. My userDao was being used in multiple places. If I injected it into my custom AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider though, it no longer operated in a transaction for any other class that used it. Removing the injection into the custom AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider restored the transaction functionality to my userDao when used by other objects which were receiving it (either via @Autowired or manual xml injection).
So how did I get my userDao into my Spring Security context and still keep it @Transactional? I had to create a Factory class:
public class UserDaoFactory {
private static UserDao userDao;
public static UserDao getUserDao() {
return UserDaoFactory.userDao;
public void setUserDao(UserDao userDao) {
UserDaoFactory.userDao = userDao;
Then put this and your dao two objects into the spring container:
So the userDao will get autowired into your userDaoFactory. It will have all of it's @Transactional capability (because spring security hasn't stripped it off?). Then in your spring security object you can do a:
userDao = UserDaoFactory.getUserDao();
I implemented ServletContextAware in my custom AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider object to do the above once during initialization, and viola.
So note, while you can manually inject your bean via xml configuration into the spring security object to overcome the @Autowired problem, you will end up with a new problem if you are trying to wrap that DAO in @Transactional.
now maybe someone knows why this may be happening. it could be a mis-configuration on my part (i admit i'm not a spring expert), or it could be a feature of spring. i would love to hear what anyone has to say and how to improve this though.