I have successfully set up gitosis for an Android mirror (containing multiple git repositories). While adding a new .git path following writable= in gitosis.conf I managed to in
You can actually do something slightly more clever. Since gitosis-admin.git is a git archive, you can clone it locally, reset to a working version and commit the change. One trick is that you have to do everything as the "git" user.
We did it this way, but we plan to change to gitolite, which checks for errors before incorporating changes for just this reason.
change to an empty directory to which the "git" user has write access
sudo -H -u git git clone (gitosis repo directory)/gitosis-admin.git
cd gitosis-admin
sudo -H -u git git rebase -i (commit id of last known working state)
sudo -H -u git git rebase -i HEAD^^
with the interactive flag, it's harder to make a mistake; follow the directions to pick only the right (known to work) commit
sudo -H -u git git push -f origin master
The -f flag forces git to do the push even though the master branch in the repo is not an ancestor of your new branch. This should fix the problem, and you should be able to push/pull as normal from your local branches.