150814 9:09:14 [ERROR] Native table \'performance_schema\'.\'events_waits_current\' has the wrong structure
150814 9:09:14 [ERROR] Native table \'performance_schema\'.
Windows7 Pro, Mysql 5.7, Java Tomcat
I attempted to update the mysql server from version 5.7.8 to version 5.7.18 using the Windows web updater available on Mysql.com. The new version installed, started as a service, but wouldn't serve anything including log in.
Using the Windows command box, change directory to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin
Type: mysql_upgrade --force -u root -p
Enter the password of the previous version that is being upgraded.
Restart the Mysql service at Windows > Start > Administrative Tools > Services
The Mysql server immediately started and connected to the Java Servlet container.