I tried to concat() two parquet file with pandas in python .
It can work , but when I try to write and save the Data frame to a parquet file ,it display the error :
I think this is a bug and you should do what Wes says. However, if you need working code now, I have a workaround.
The solution that worked for me was to specify the timestamp columns to be millisecond precision. If you need nanosecond precision, this will ruin your data... but if that's the case, it may be the least of your problems.
import pandas as pd
table1 = pd.read_parquet(path=('path1.parquet'))
table2 = pd.read_parquet(path=('path2.parquet'))
table1["Date"] = table1["Date"].astype("datetime64[ms]")
table2["Date"] = table2["Date"].astype("datetime64[ms]")
table = pd.concat([table1, table2], ignore_index=True)
table.to_parquet('./file.gzip', compression='gzip')