I need some guidance with the following Perl code. When I leave the no strict \'refs\'
, the sub
works fine. But if the no strict \'refs\'
You're asking perl to use the value of $fh as the name of the filehandle here:
for ( @alpha) {
$fh = $_ ;
open ( $fh,">","$_-$file" ) || die $!; <--------- HERE
push @FH, $fh;
You should instead consider using a lexical variable and having that autovivified into a filehandle by open, then store this in a hash to get at it later:
for ( @alpha) {
open ( my $fh,">","$_-$file" ) || die $!;
$handles{$_} = $fh;
so that you can use it later here:
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( *LOG ) ) {
if ( $row->[0] =~ /^(\w)/ ) {
print $handles{$1} <--------- HERE