I\'m trying to use the stringr package in R to extract everything from a string up until the first occurrence of an underscore.
What I\'ve tried
You can use sub
from base using _.*
taking everything starting from _
sub("_.*", "", "L0_123_abc")
#[1] "L0"
Or using [^_]
what is everything but not _
sub("([^_]*).*", "\\1", "L0_123_abc")
#[1] "L0"
or using substr
with regexpr
substr("L0_123_abc", 1, regexpr("_", "L0_123_abc")-1)
#substr("L0_123_abc", 1, regexpr("_", "L0_123_abc", fixed=TRUE)-1) #More performant alternative
#[1] "L0"