According to the docs, microbenchmark:::autoplot
\"Uses ggplot2 to produce a more legible graph of microbenchmark timings.\"
Cool! Let\'s try the example co
The short answer is a violin plot:
It is a box plot with a rotated kernel density plot on each side.
The longer more interesting(?) answer. When you call the autoplot
function, you are actually calling
## class(ts) is microbenchmark
We can then inspect the actual function call via
R> getS3method("autoplot", "microbenchmark")
function (object, ..., log = TRUE, y_max = 1.05 * max(object$time))
y_min <- 0
object$ntime <- convert_to_unit(object$time, "t")
plt <- ggplot(object, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "expr", y = "ntime"))
## Another ~6 lines or so after this
The key line is + stat_ydensity()
. Looking at ?stat_ydensity
come to the help page on violin plots.