Constructing a wtforms\' TextAreaField is something like this:
content = wtf.TextAreaField(\'Content\', id=\"content-area\", validators=[validators.Required()])
I was able to modify the rows and columns via the render_kw tag on the python forms page. When I first saw the definition of this on WTForm's website, I didn't know what it did until seeing other people's examples of using this to modify the class of the form element. So their definition just confused me until I started experimenting with it.
render_kw (dict) – If provided, a dictionary which provides default keywords that will be given to the widget at render time. -
I used this on my forms page.
current_templates_in_library = TextAreaField('current_templates_in_library', render_kw={'rows':'4'})
To add multiple tags and values, just separate them with a comma like this.
Then this was rendered in the HTML. Notice the "rows" attribute there that was added.