Is there any way to stop the user resizing the form?
Currently I am using:
When form size changed....
MainForm.Height := 761;
MainForm.Width := 7
Fixing the size is easy, you have two options:
Delphi forms have a BorderStyle
property and a BorderIcons
property. If you set BorderStyle
to bsDialog
, and BorderIcons
to biSystemMenu
only, user can not resize the form.
You can specify value to Constraints
property. If you write the same number to MinWidth
and MaxWidth
, the width will be fixed.
Preventing move is more tricky. I can come up with only these solutions now:
Set BorderStyle
to bsNone
. You will need to draw the form caption yourself, if needed.
Write a message handler to WM_NCHITTEST
, call inherited first, then check the Message.Result
. If it is HTCAPTION
, set it to HTCLIENT
instead. This way, you fool Windows to think the user didn't click on caption, so he will not be able to drag. Please try if the user can still move the window opening the system menu, and choosing Move. If so, you have to hide the system menu too (BorderIcons
Answer found here.