When I run npm run start I get the below error regarding firebase.
Tech: Angular version 9, Firebase, Firestore, Geofirestore Angular CLI.
Had the same problem. Compared my package.json with a different project of mine that worked just the other day.
I found that the firebase package was not there. So I just copied it in,
"firebase": "^7.13.2",
npm install
and it seems to work:
"dependencies": {
"@angular/animations": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/cdk": "^9.2.0",
"@angular/common": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/compiler": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/core": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/fire": "^6.0.0",
"@angular/forms": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/material": "^9.2.0",
"@angular/platform-browser": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~9.1.0",
"@angular/router": "~9.1.0",
"firebase": "^7.13.2",
"rxjs": "~6.5.4",
"tslib": "^1.10.0",
"zone.js": "~0.10.2"
Now I see you have an older version, maybe updating that will solve the problem?