Newbie in Perl again here, trying to understand closure
in Perl.
So here\'s an example of code which I don\'t understand:
sub make_saying {
If a variable is asigned to a function, is it automatically a reference to that function?
No. In example the function make_saying
return reference another function. Such closures do not have name and can catch a variable from outside its scope (variable $salute
in your example).
In that above code, can i write $f = \make_saying("Howdy") instead? And when can i use the & cause i tried using that in passing the parameters (&$f("world")) but it doesnt work.
No. $f = \make_saying("Howdy")
is not what you think (read amon post for details). You can write $f = \&make_saying;
which means "put into $f reference to function make_saying". You can use it later like this:
my $f = \&make_saying;
my $other_f = $f->("Howdy");
and lastly, In that code above how in he** did the words world and earthlings got appended to the words howdy and greetings.
make_saying creating my variable which goes into lamda (my $newfunc = sub
); that lambda is returned from make_saying. It holds the given word "Howdy" through "closing" (? sorry dont know which word in english).