How would I get last week Wednesday and next week Wednesday\'s date in C#:
public Form1()
CurrentDate.Text = \"Today\'s Date: \" +
One of the problems with some of the answers is that the DayoyOfWeek is an enum with values 0-6. When a subsequent day of week equates to Sunday (enum value = 0), but you gave a Tuesday (enum value=2), and you want next tuesday, the calculation goes wrong if you just peform a calculation.
The class with two methods which I cam up with for my own use on a project I am working on is.
public static class DateHelper
public static DateTime GetDateForLastDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek DOW, DateTime DATE)
int adjustment = ((int)DATE.DayOfWeek < (int)DOW ? 7 : 0);
return DATE.AddDays(0- (((int)(DATE.DayOfWeek) + adjustment) - (int)DOW));
public static DateTime GetDateForNextDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek DOW, DateTime DATE)
int adjustment = ((int)DATE.DayOfWeek < (int)DOW ? 0 : 7);
return DATE.AddDays(((int)DOW) - ((int)(DATE.DayOfWeek)) + adjustment);
The XUnit tests proving the code above works.
public class DateHelperUnitTests
[InlineData(2020, 1, 7, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 8, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 9, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 10, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 11, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 12, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 13, 2020, 1, 7)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 14, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 15, 2020, 1, 14)]
public void GetDateForLastDayOfWeek_MultipleValues_Pass(
int InputYear, int InputMonth, int InputDay,
int ExpectedYear, int ExpectedMonth, int ExpectedDay)
DateTime DateToTest = new DateTime(InputYear, InputMonth, InputDay);
DateTime NewDate = DateHelper.GetDateForLastDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DateToTest);
DateTime DateExpected = new DateTime(ExpectedYear,ExpectedMonth,ExpectedDay);
Assert.True(0 == DateTime.Compare(DateExpected.Date, NewDate.Date));
[InlineData(2020, 1, 7, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 8, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 9, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 10, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 11, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 12, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 13, 2020, 1, 14)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 14, 2020, 1, 21)]
[InlineData(2020, 1, 15, 2020, 1, 21)]
public void GetDateForNextDayOfWeek_MultipleValues_Pass(
int InputYear, int InputMonth, int InputDay,
int ExpectedYear, int ExpectedMonth, int ExpectedDay)
DateTime DateToTest = new DateTime(InputYear, InputMonth, InputDay);
DateTime NewDate = DateHelper.GetDateForNextDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DateToTest);
DateTime DateExpected = new DateTime(ExpectedYear, ExpectedMonth, ExpectedDay);
Assert.True(0 == DateTime.Compare(DateExpected.Date, NewDate.Date));