Is this even possible - is there something like a RELEASE_VERSION environment variable?
You could do it with a .profile.d script that calls the platform API and set an environment variable:
# get the unique release id and set as RELEASE_ID
# Heroku config variables that need to be set
# API_KEY: heroku api key (get from dashboard or `heroku auth:token`
# APP_NAME: set this to your app_name (this could be hardcoded in the profile.d script but
# would make it harder to manage apps with multiple environments)
res=$(curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3"\
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"\
-H "Range: version ..; order=desc, max=1"\
-X GET$APP_NAME/releases)
release_id=$(ruby -rjson -e "j = JSON.parse('$res'); puts j[0]['id']")
export RELEASE_ID=$release_id
In a rails app, for example, ENV['RELEASE_ID'] should now be set to the most recent release id. (Python would be os.environ.get('RELEASE_ID')
). The bash script uses ruby to parse the json which I think is part of the default cedar stack for any buildpack.