I\'m using Django sessions and I would like a way of seeing the session data in the admin interface. Is this possible?
I.e. for each session I want to see the data store
EB's otherwise great answer left me with the error "Database returned an invalid value in QuerySet.dates(). Are time zone definitions and pytz installed?". (I do have db tz info and pytz installed, and my app uses timezones extensively.) Removing the 'date_hierarchy' line resolved the issue for me. So:
import pprint
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
class SessionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def _session_data(self, obj):
return pprint.pformat(obj.get_decoded()).replace('\n', '
list_display = ['session_key', '_session_data', 'expire_date']
readonly_fields = ['_session_data']
exclude = ['session_data']
admin.site.register(Session, SessionAdmin)