Inspired by this question about the following code from SQLite3:
static int strlen30(const char *z){
const char *z2 = z;
while( *z2 ){ z2++; }
Why reimplement strlen as loop+subtraction?
I suspect the real answer is that the programmer felt like it, but another potential justification/rationalisation is that the loop is inline (independent of whether strlen30
itself is), whereas on many systems strlen
is an out-of-line function call (e.g. Linux/GCC). If the overwhelming majority of strings are empty or short (despite the "special" treatment of long ones), then that may yield a slight performance bump for the common case. That possibility alone may be enough to get a code-happy programmer key-tapping. For longer strings I would expect the library strlen
to be generally optimal (allowing for it's lack of knowledge of the application specific length of strings).
Some systems may not even benefit from this inlining as strlen
provides it's own, or an inline/out-of-line hybrid with a quick inline check for empty, one-char, maybe two-char strings then a call.