I need to run a shell script in hudson. That script needs an answer from the user. To give an automatic answer I did the following command line :
The command yes being running in an infinite loop I supposed that this might be the solution :
yes | head -1 | ./MyScript.sh #only one "Y" would be output of the command yes
But, I got the same error.
We can redirect the error to /dev/null as suggested by @J.F. Sebastian, or enforce that the command is correct by this :
yes | head -1 | ./MyScript.sh || yes
But, this suggestions were less appreciated. And so, I had to create my own named pipe, as follow :
mkfifo /tmp/my_fifo #to create the named pipe
exec 3<>/tmp/my_fifo #to make the named pipe in read and write mode by assigning it to a file descriptor
echo "Y" >/tmp/my_fifo #to write into the named pipe, "Y" is the default value of yes
I'm expecting more valuable solutions with greater explainations.
Here it is an explaination for a file descriptor in linux.