in Angular, I need to call a function after an element with certain class has been loaded. Display of the element is controlled via ng-if=\'expr\'. Value of $scope.expr is set a
The directive could look something like this:
import * as angular from 'angular';
class OnFinishRenderDirective implements angular.IDirective {
public restrict = 'A';
public replace = false;
public link = (
scope: any,
// scope: angular.IScope,
element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery,
attr: any,
modelCtrl: any,
link: angular.ITemplateLinkingFunction ) => {
if ( scope.$last === true ) {
this.$timeout(() => {
scope.$emit( 'elementRendered' );
} );
constructor( private $timeout: angular.ITimeoutService ) { }
export function onFinishRenderFactory(): angular.IDirectiveFactory {
var directive = ( $timeout: angular.ITimeoutService ) => new OnFinishRenderDirective( $timeout );
directive.$inject = [ '$timeout' ];
return directive;
You would have to import it and add to your module
import { onFinishRenderFactory } from './onFinishRender/onFinishRender.directive';
angular.module( 'yourModule', [] )
.directive( 'onFinishRender', onFinishRenderFactory() )
Then you can use the directive somewhere in your markup to emit the event when the directive has been rendered.
I am rendered
You could even add an extra attribute in the directive DIV which you can then grab from the ATTR object in the link function and add to your $emit function to identify this specific DIV to be rendered.
Does that answer your question?