How do I empty the Drupal caches:
The above code is for Drupal 6.
For Drupal 7 the flush-cache module would be as follows:
'title' => t('Flush the cache'),
'description' => 'Flush all website caches to make sure it updates to relect '.
'your recent changes.',
'page callback' => 'flush_cache_custom_callback',
'access callback' => user_access('flush cache'),
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_permission()
function flush_cache_permission() {
return array(
'administer my module' => array(
'title' => t('flush cache module'),
'description' => t('Content admin flush cache.'),
* Function that flushes the cache
function flush_cache_custom_callback() {
return 'Caches were flushed.';
Note: that you then flush it by going to:
Make sure you give them permission on the permission page. Clear cache once the "normal" way if the permission doesn't appear after turning the module on.
This is preferable when you don't want your client to get access to the admin menu but you still want them to be able to flush the cache.