I\'m trying to run a populate script which I put together from the tango_with_django tutorial (https://github.com/leifos/tango_with_django/blob/master/tango_with_django_project/
I met the same problem when setting the environment.
(I tried to add the:
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "my_project.settings")
into the "Starting script window",which is in the Django Console or rewrite the .wsgi file, But all of them were failed)
My final solution: (open the terminal and set the environment manually)
Here are the steps:(for mac)
open the terminal and type vim ~/.bash_profile
add below lines:
type :wq to save and exit terminal
type source ~/.bash_profile to reload it
it will work when you run python manage.py
shell this time.