I have some entries in the repeated field in my proto. Now I want delete some of them. How can I accomplish this? There is a function to delete the last element, but I want to d
Here is example:
message GuiChild
optional string widgetName = 1;
message GuiLayout
repeated ChildGuiElement children = 1;
typedef google_public::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField RepeatedField;
typedef google_public::protobuf::Message Msg;
GuiLayout guiLayout;
//Init children as necessary..
GuiChild child;
//Set child fileds..
DeleteElementsFromRepeatedField(*child, guiLayout->mutable_children());
void DeleteElementsFromRepeatedField(const Msg& msg, RepeatedField* repeatedField)
for (RepeatedField::iterator it = repeatedField->begin(); it != repeatedField->end(); it++)
if (google_public::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer::Equals(*it, msg))