I have a DataSet
populated from Excel Sheet. I wanted to use SQLBulk Copy to Insert Records in Lead_Hdr
table where LeadId
is PK.
One of the reason is that :SqlBukCOpy is case sensitive . Follow steps:
For Example:`
//Get Column from Source table
string sourceTableQuery = "Select top 1 * from sourceTable";
DataTable dtSource=SQLHelper.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(transaction, CommandType.Text, sourceTableQuery).Tables[0];// i use sql helper for executing query you can use corde sw
for (int i = 0; i < destinationTable.Columns.Count; i++)
{ //check if destination Column Exists in Source table
if (dtSource.Columns.Contains(destinationTable.Columns[i].ToString()))//contain method is not case sensitive
int sourceColumnIndex = dtSource.Columns.IndexOf(destinationTable.Columns[i].ToString());//Once column matched get its index
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add(dtSource.Columns[sourceColumnIndex].ToString(), dtSource.Columns[sourceColumnIndex].ToString());//give coluns name of source table rather then destination table so that it would avoid case sensitivity