I want to select some rows based on certain criteria, and then take one entry from that set and the 5 rows before it and after it.
Now, I can do this numerically if ther
If you wanted to do it in a 'relationally pure' way, you could write a query that sorted and numbered the rows. Like:
select (
select count(*) from employees b
where b.name < a.name
) as idx, name
from employees a
order by name
Then use that as a common table expression. Write a select which filters it down to the rows you're interested in, then join it back onto itself using a criterion that the index of the right-hand copy of the table is no more than k larger or smaller than the index of the row on the left. Project over just the rows on the right. Like:
with numbered_emps as (
select (
select count(*)
from employees b
where b.name < a.name
) as idx, name
from employees a
order by name
select b.*
from numbered_emps a, numbered_emps b
where a.name like '% Smith' -- this is your main selection criterion
and ((b.idx - a.idx) between -5 and 5) -- this is your adjacency fuzzy-join criterion
What could be simpler!
I'd imagine the row-number based solutions will be faster, though.