initializes a repository where babel-loader is installed as an older version than needed.
I had this exact same issue. For anyone who finds this thread via Google and is a beginner like me. Here is exactly what to enter into your terminal(Mac User).
Say you're getting the same error that Paul was getting:
"The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency: "babel-loader": "8.0.6"
Here's what I entered into the terminal. I could be wrong, but this is what worked for me (I am also a beginner):
Step 1: Delete the node_modules folder as well as the package_lock.json files.
Step 2: In your terminal, type cd - (we're just getting outside of our project folder and going into your home folder)
Step 3: In your terminal type in npm i "dependency-name@number" so for the above example it would be: npm i babel-loader@8.0.6
Step 4: Now in your terminal, navigate into your project folder and type: npm install or yarn install
Step 5: Try running npm start and if all the issues have been solved, it should start the development server.
Note: I had to do the above process twice, for babel-loader@8.0.6 as well as for Webpack.