I\'ve had trouble finding/understanding documentation on how to compare enums in Swift by their order of definition. Specifically when I create an enumeration such as
This is to some extent the same answer as the OP proposed himself. It does involve a bit of boilerplate code for every enum that you want to be comparable, but I prefer this than having some external magic function that provides comparable to all enums. That can cause problems if you do a quick copy-and-paste from one program to another, and then the enum doesn't work and you can't remember why.
public enum LogLevel: Int, Comparable {
case verbose
case debug
case info
case warning
case error
case severe
// Implement Comparable
public static func < (a: LogLevel, b: LogLevel) -> Bool {
return a.rawValue < b.rawValue
This is in response to a comment by @JasonMoore.
Comparable does not require ==. That is required by Equatable, and the Swift standard library automatically provides Equatable for most kinds of enums.
As for >, <= and >=, the Apple documentation says that they are required by Comparable, but that a default implementation is provided (based on use of == and <, I assume).
Here's a bit of code that I ran in the IBM Swift Sandbox - it compiles and runs fine with the above definition.
let a : LogLevel = LogLevel.verbose
let b : LogLevel = LogLevel.verbose
let c : LogLevel = LogLevel.warning
print(a == b) // prints true
print(a > c) // prints false
print(a <= c) // prints true