I have following ViewSet:
class BookViewSet(DefaultsMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Book.objects.all()
serializer_class = BookSerializer
you can do this adding url_path
in the detail_route
@detail_route(url_name='chapter', url_path='chapter/(?P[0-9]+)')
def chapter(self, request, pk=None, chapter_id=None):
queryset = Chapter.objects.filter(book__pk=pk)
serializer = ChpaterSerializer(queryset,
return Response(serializer.data)
Note that the name of the url in the default router defaults to the url_path
argument if it is provided. So the view name would inlcude the query parameter string. By specifying the url_name
argument, you can simplify that. I would recommend to use the method name there, which is the default if url_path
is not specified. With that, you can reverse the url with
reverse('book-chapter', kwargs={'pk': 1, 'chapter_id': 4})