I am writing record to Kinesis Firehose stream that is eventually written to a S3 file by Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
My record object looks like
I used a transformation Lambda to add a line break at the end of every record
def lambda_handler(event, context):
output = []
for record in event['records']:
# Decode from base64 (Firehose records are base64 encoded)
payload = base64.b64decode(record['data'])
# Read json as utf-8
json_string = payload.decode("utf-8")
# Add a line break
output_json_with_line_break = json_string + "\n"
# Encode the data
encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(bytearray(output_json_with_line_break, 'utf-8'))
encoded_string = str(encoded_bytes, 'utf-8')
# Create a deep copy of the record and append to output with transformed data
output_record = copy.deepcopy(record)
output_record['data'] = encoded_string
output_record['result'] = 'Ok'
print('Successfully processed {} records.'.format(len(event['records'])))
return {'records': output}