It came to my attention lately that you can unit test abstract base classes using Moq rather than creating a dummy class in test that implements the abstract base class. See How
Another way in Moq to call protected member is the following template:
In your class, with protected member mark your function as virtual. For example:
public class ClassProtected
public string CallingFunction(Customer customer)
var firstName = ProtectedFunction(customer.FirstName);
var lastName = ProtectedFunction(customer.LastName);
return string.Format("{0}, {1}", lastName, firstName);
protected virtual string ProtectedFunction(string value)
return value.Replace("SAP", string.Empty);
Then in your unit test add reference to
using Moq.Protected;
and in your unit test you can write the following:
public class TestClassProttected
public void all_bad_words_should_be_scrubbed()
var mockCustomerNameFormatter = new Mock();
.Setup("ProtectedFunction", ItExpr.IsAny())
.Returns("here can be any value")
.Verifiable(); // you should call this function in any case. Without calling next Verify will not give you any benefit at all
mockCustomerNameFormatter.Object.CallingFunction(new Customer());
Take note of ItExpr. It should be used instead of It. Another gotcha awaits you at Verifiable. I don't know why, but without calling to Verifiable Verify will not be called.