Windows PowerShell, 124 123 121 119 116 112 chars
$(($a=1..$s|%{$x=' '*($s-$_--)
"$x/$(' '*$_)\$x"*$w})
If we allow the input to span three lines instead of being generally whitespace-separated we can get it down to 109:
$(($a=1..$s|%{$x=' '*($s-$_--)
"$x/$(' '*$_)\$x"*$w})
As arguments to the script (from within PowerShell) it'd be 105 bytes:
$(($a=1..$s|%{$x=' '*($s-$_--)
"$x/$(' '*$_)\$x"*$w})
This would then be called like this:
PS> .\diamond.ps1 2 2 2