I need to check if a sequence has any items satisfying some condition but at the same time NOT all items satisfying the same condition.
For example, for a sequence of 10
You could define your own extension method. This version is more verbose, but still readable, and it only enumerates the IEnumerable
bool AnyButNotAll(this IEnumerable sequence, Func predicate)
bool seenTrue = false;
bool seenFalse = false;
foreach (ItemT item in sequence)
bool predResult = predicate(item);
if (predResult)
seenTrue = true;
if (!predResult)
seenFalse = true;
if (seenTrue && seenFalse)
return true;
return false;
Much shorter, but enumerates the IEnumerable
bool AnyButNotAll(this IEnumerable sequence, Func predicate)
return sequence.Any(predicate) && !sequence.All(predicate);