I would like to be able to round a number to n significant figures in SQL. So:
123.456 rounded to 2sf would give 120
0.00123 rounded to 2sf would give 0.0012
Adapted the most popular answer by Brann to MySQL for those who come looking like me.
CREATE FUNCTION `sfround`(num FLOAT, sf INT) # creates the function
RETURNS float # defines output type
DETERMINISTIC # given input, will return same output
DECLARE r FLOAT; # make a variable called r, defined as a float
IF( num IS NULL OR num = 0) THEN # ensure the number exists, and isn't 0
SET r = num; # if it is; leave alone
SET r = ROUND(num, sf - 1 - FLOOR(LOG10(ABS(num))));
/* see below*/
/* Felt too long to put in comment */
ROUND(num, sf - 1 - FLOOR(LOG10(ABS(num))))
works because ROUND(num, -ve num) rounds to the left of the decimal point
For just a one off, ROUND(123.456, -1) and ROUND(0.00123,4) return the requested answers ((120, 0.0012)