I spent some time investigating the collections.namedtuple module a few weeks ago. The module uses a factory function which populates the dynamic data (the name of the new
Here is another approach.
""" Subclass of tuple with named fields """
from operator import itemgetter
from inspect import signature
class MetaTuple(type):
""" metaclass for NamedTuple """
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace):
cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)
names = signature(cls._signature).parameters.keys()
for i, key in enumerate(names):
setattr(cls, key, property(itemgetter(i)))
return cls
class NamedTuple(tuple, metaclass=MetaTuple):
""" Subclass of tuple with named fields """
def _signature():
" Override in subclass "
def __new__(cls, *args):
new = super().__new__(cls, *args)
if len(new) == len(signature(cls._signature).parameters):
return new
return new._signature(*new)
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Point(NamedTuple):
" Simple test "
def _signature(x, y, z): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
" Three coordinates "
print(Point((1, 2, 4)))
If this approach has any virtue at all, it's the simplicity. It would be simpler yet without NamedTuple.__new__
, which serves only the purpose of enforcing the element count. Without that, it happily allows additional anonymous elements past the named ones, and the primary effect of omitting elements is the IndexError
on omitted elements when accessing them by name (with a little work that could be translated to an AttributeError
). The error message for an incorrect element count is a bit strange, but it gets the point across. I wouldn't expect this to work with Python 2.
There is room for further complication, such as a __repr__
method. I have no idea how the performance compares to other implementations (caching the signature length might help), but I much prefer the calling convention as compared to the native namedtuple